Hello Travel Mania!


I am so EXCITED to finally start my blog on subjects that I am really passionate about: Travel!

Since I was a kid, it’s been my biggest dream to be able to travel and discover the world. The excitements from seeing new cool places, getting to know new people and tasting the food have been my biggest drivers to keep traveling!

Since 2 years ago I’ve been privileged to realize my dream to travel frequently and visit some amazing places, in a style I would have never thought possible. So far I have visited 20+ destinations in 10+ countries, mostly traveling in Business- or First class. And I often pay less than people sitting in Economy.

During my travels, I’ve been privileged to meet so many awesome people from around the world, learn about their culture and stories, while savoring local delicious food. And I pay all of my travels from my own pockets like everyone else!

My love for traveling has spurred my passion for flying and aviation as well. I sincerely believe that when it comes to maximizing your travel experience, your destination only makes half the cut. To truly maximize your experience, your journey has to be equally fun too. I dare to say that the happiest moments of my travels start always right after the airplane took off the ground.

While you’re reading this, you say perhaps to yourself: “dude, that’s been my dream too!”

Well, my friend, you’re in the right place! I want this blog to inspire you and empower you to travel. I want to help you to be able to realize your dream like I did. More importantly, I want you to have the most amazing travel experience that you never thought possible!

My goal is also to turn this blog into a full-time income as well, so I can travel even more and provide you with even more tips and tricks to elevate your travel experience.

For now, I am just thankful and pumped to get started! Thanks for being here and reading this. And stay tuned for my next posts!

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